August 2024

Notes are presented in reverse chronological order

August 28, 2024

  • Improved performance when:
    • Dragging and dropping a job in week view
    • Activating a job
    • Completing a job
    • Updating job working status
    • Submitting forms from a job
    • Updating times on a completed job
    • Commenting on a job

August 27, 2024

  • Added hub to sync details
  • Performance optimizations related to:
    • Approve/reject/submit for approval/cancel submit for approval
    • Add/remove attachments
    • Update job tags on completed jobs
    • Add/remove jobs from projects

August 21, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where attachments failed to upload before job creation
  • Fixed an issue where Pro SP Dispatchers could not create jobs for Guest Hubs without assigning a resource
  • Added a slight delay to the hover on the job details column on the jobs list, so it doesn’t open immediately while just navigating around the screen
  • If the “Sensor/Trigger Management” entitlement is enabled, show the sensors tabs to admins in the admin portal
  • Signature feature turned on which allows a digital signature to be added, removed, or re-signed.
    • Signatures can only be collected in the mobile app - please refer to the 3.2.x mobile release notes for further details.
    • Signatures are read-only in Dispatch Hub and can be seen by any user that can view a job. They cannot be added or removed in Dispatch Hub, regardless of user role or organization.

    • An unsigned job:
    • A signed job without line items:
    • A signed job with line items:
    • A signature as shown on the Job PDF
    • Collecting a signature is an action that is only available if a job is Active, Paused, Completed, or Pending Approval. It is not available if the job is Requested, Assigned To Service Provider, Assigned To Pool, Cancelled, Approved, or Rejected.
    • Jobs must be individually inspected to view signatures, there is no way to tell if it has been signed in the Jobs list.

August 19, 2024

  • Remove activated/completed label from first and last breadcrumb, as this information could be incorrect and cause confusion if it didn't match the actual started and completed times


August 16, 2024

  • Fix issue where some job PDFs could not be downloaded

August 13, 2024

  • Fixed not being able to manage multiple api/sync apps in Admin Portal

August 12, 2024

  • Fix bug where attachments with capitalized extensions were not uploading via DH
  • Global admins can now user form-builder without the developer role

August 8, 2024

  • Add a sensor drop threshold of 50 to consider a drop significant, and stop commenting on jobs when an unloading event is detected
  • Fixed an issue where PDF would show line item totals to user who should not see rates
  • Remove the ability for an SP Pro admin to create locations for Pro hubs (SP Pro admin can now ONLY create locations for guest hubs that it is partnered to)
  • Fixed an issue where Pro SP admins could not unarchive jobs for guest hubs
  • Changes to adding locations on the fly for Pro SP admins creating jobs for guest hubs
    • Initially, the list of locations only includes locations owned by the guest hub company 


    • When the user clicks "Show all locations", they will see a full list of locations, and selecting one will make it available in the guest EP hub. From here, they still have the ability to add a new location on the fly. This encourages to use existing locations rather than creating duplicates.


    • When a Pro SP admin creates a job for a Pro EP hub, they do not see the "Add new location" button, as Pro EP's often have a curated/synced location system, and do not want new locations added without oversight.

August 1, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where the inventory quantity validation was missing; when missing or 0, the field is now visually indicated in red


  • Fixed an issue where service provider forms with a subject would be incorrectly returned to the subject org
  • Fixed an issue where changing the activity on a job did not visually updated the custom fields until the changes were saved
  • Updated permissions so that Dispatchers can edit completed times on jobs (previously limited to Admins)
  • If there are no jobs found on the jobs list, the message is now left-aligned with a reset button


  • Fixed an issue where job PDF's wouldn't download if there was an ad-hoc form attached that the user didn't have access to
    • PDF now downloads without the inaccessible forms
  • Expanded permissions for editing actual execution times on completed jobs to Energy Producer Coordinators (previously was only Energy Producer admins)