Dispatcher Guide

How to create, assign and review jobs for your organization from Dispatch Hub. Communicate and monitor users to minimize time and effort, while increasing the productivity of your organization.

Table of Content

Accessing IronSight - First Time Users

Messages & Alerts

Dispatching from Schedule View

Dispatching from Jobs View

Dispatching Jobs in Bulk

Dispatching from Map View

Dispatching on Mobile

Customizing Schedule View Filters & Columns

Customizing Jobs List Filters & Columns 

Customizing Map Filters & Layers

Resource's Locations visibility at all times

Helpful Links

Accessing IronSight for the first time

After an Admin user from your organization has added you to IronSight, you will receive a welcome email, (please check your junk/spam folder if you do not see the email). Click on "SET MY PASSWORD" button and create your password. Then click on the first link below to use the website and access IronSight Dispatch Hub. 

Use credentials to log-in and press Continue.

Now that you have accessed dispatch hub, let's explore the functionalities.

Messages & Alerts

When logging in to IronSight for the first time, your web-browser would prompt you to enable notifications. Click on Job Updates and then Enable. 

Go to Settings to choose to turn on/off job and chat notifications by hitting the toggles switch.

Now that your messages and alerts tabs are set up, you will start getting notifications when communicating with any member of your organization or clients via messages.

  • Press the plus sign to create a new chat, select the user or resource of the organization you would like to communicate with. You can also select a client.
  • Go to the search bar and type the name of the users or resource to find a previous chat conversation.


Dispatching from Schedule View

Unassigned jobs appear above the company titles in the Resource Type row. As you click on each Resource Type, you will see the unassigned jobs, and the companies and resources under them.   
  • On Week view, you can assign a job to a Resource or a Company by clicking on the job tile and dragging it to the desired row.

  • On Day View, click on the row of the job you want to dispatch to open the job window, press the "Assign job to..." field and select the desired company or resource. Then click on Save.


Dispatching from Jobs View

Click on the row of the job you want to dispatch to open the job window, press the "Assign job to..." field and select the desired company or resource. Then click on Save.


Dispatching Jobs in Bulk

 IronSight also allows you to assign multiple jobs to the same company or resource at the same time, from the Jobs' tab
  • You can use the filters to easily find the job you need to assign. 
  • Check the boxes to select the jobs and click on Update jobs.

  • Select the company or resource and click on update jobs. 


Important!   Be sure to clear your selected jobs before making another bulk assignment, as they are still selected by default!


Dispatching From Map View

  • Find the location with the job you need to dispatch. You can use the filters to easily find the location.
  • Click to open. You will be able to see all jobs conducted at that location.
  • Hit "Assign to Service Provider"
  • Enter information and then Save.


Dispatching on Mobile

  • Log-in to your mobile app.
  • From the Jobs tab, hit the Queue bucket to see jobs pending dispatch, scroll down or use search bar to find a particular job.
  • Hit to open the job you would like to dispatch. Then hit on "Assign job to..."


  • Select from dropdown or use the search bar to find company or resource to assign the job to. 


Customizing Schedule View Filters & Columns

IronSight provides you with a variety of filters to facilitate finding jobs. Use the filters in the Schedule view or customize the job information view by organizing the columns. 

  • Using filters

When Schedule view (Day or Week view), click on Filters and you will find the list of your Divisions, Resource Types and Service Providers. By clicking on the arrows, you can select/deselect the specific information you would like to see.

You can also filter the visibility of the resources displayed by turning on and off the toggles in the bottom.  


  • Organizing Columns

    Columns are only visible in the Day view, click on the button with three vertical lines on the top of the page.  Click on the boxes with the information you would like to see displayed or remove the check mark from the columns you would like to hide. Press and hold the six dots on the right to move (drag and drop) columns into the order you would like them displayed.


Customizing Jobs List Filters & Columns        

  • Using Filters

When filtering from the Jobs view, you will find a larger selection of filters available, and you can also customize the job information view by organizing the columns. 

Use "Look for..." bar, to type a specific job number, name of a requester or operator, cost center, etc.
Use the calendar to select a date or date range.
Use the list of Divisions, Resource Types, Activities, Service Providers, Job Status, Approval Status and Locations. 

  • Organizing Columns

Click on the button with three vertical lines on the top of the page.  Click on the boxes with the information you would like to see displayed or remove the check mark from the columns you would like to hide. Press and hold the six dots on the right to move (drag and drop) columns into the order you would like them displayed.

Customizing Map Filters & Layers      

  • Using Filters

When filtering from the Map view, you will find the same filters as the Jobs View, plus the Map Layers functionality. 

Use "Look for..." bar, to type a specific location, resource or job.
Use the calendar to select a date or date range.
Use the list of Divisions, Resource Types, Activities, Service Providers, Job Status, Approval Status and Locations. 

  • Using Layers

Use the map layers to select what you would like displayed on the map, locations, jobs or resources. 


Resource's Locations visibility at all times

You can also use the Map View to identify the locations of your resources at any time for more efficient dispatching. In case of a urgent job or break-in work find a nearby resource.


Helpful Links

Below you can find Related Topics Links.


If you are responsible for adding/editing Line Items and Batching jobs for billable purposes in your Organization. Please click the link below to see instructions.